Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our health, vitality, happiness and peace of mind are greatly influenced by cultivating greater awareness and balance in our life.

We would do well to reconsider some of our basic assumptions about health and exercise.  Among them is the notion that exercising to produce a buff, taught, sculpted body - chest out, belly in, muscles firm and so on - contributes to good health.

The ancient Chinese observed that a young child - soft, pliable, upright but relaxed with their belly moving in and out as they breathe - has amazing vitality and a long life ahead.  Looking at the other end of life and seeing that the ultimate in firmness is rigormortus, they reasoned that the purpose of exercise ought to be returning to the pliability and softness of a child.  T'ai Chi is an extraordinarily refined way of doing so. 

Wouldn't you prefer the softness and vitality of a child?  

For more information visit the School of T'ai Chi Chuan in Seattle or The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture.

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